

Dylan Fiber Rattan Chair

Now what if the Rattan design isn't made from its usual Rattan material itself? The Dylan Fiber Rattan Chair is entirely made from the unique fiber material that makes the chair durable and strong.

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Rattan TV Cabinet

In Larva Home Furniture, we believe that Rattan-style furniture should be trending again! The Rattan TV Cabinet is a one-of-a-kind piece of furniture that you see in your grandparents' house, with a pair of cabinets and drawers to provide storage spaces for your beloved items.

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Muji Rattan Chair (2pcs)

Hold on... this Muji-themed chair isn't made from wood! It's the epoxy steel that maintains weights that pressured on the Muji Rattan Chair! It's not a rattan chair without the rattan design on the backrest, with soft, P.U.

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